Four Types of Expression Football Players Display When they are defeated in a Match.

Tosinaija The Plug
There is a time to express happiness feelings and there is another moment to express sad emotions , this happens in all ramifications of life including football too.

Football players express their facial look and happiness whenever they are winning and also how they express their emotions when they lose.

Today in the section of our editorial , I will be shedding more light on different types of expression and what they use to have been known for. by

The downcast to every unhappy situation is not possible to turn a new leaf with happiness , for a kind miserable he must seen a disappointed target before such facial expressions can come into his face , but continually the pain of such disappointed situation begins to rings in his mindset if there is one to console him.

Every goal of a football is to score into the pitch net and atimes if a player couldn't met up to a target it is called "off Target" and such player could try again and if grace is still been given and if he can improve on his skill , he will score again , the type of such sad expression can't last longer like a player who experience disappointment.

A football player who experience goal loss will undergoes two pains together "off Target" and disappointment , it is either he has been given a free chance to score or penalty , a confirmed cross ball which will lead to goal , in this case fans and commentators will express their odd comment about such player in a sad mind , for missing such a great chance to goal and this in some case such goal might save the club to draw or to win. With such case the expression that will come out from such player will be more unhappy than those player who miss a target or got disappointed.

Defeat process is gradual , it happens in stages and it applies in all ramifications including football matches , it is either win or defeat in a football match. The expression of a football club when defeated of a match is always the worstful part of different facial expression , because this is not a one man expression , it is a general sadly moment for every individual players playing for the club , but no matter how the case stands the club and the individual must have experience a futile and failure process which leads to defeat where there is no balance to the situation in the football match.

Their facial expressions is always sadly huge in group. This is always coming out if they lose at the final of any football match.

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