Six things you have to know about Real Madrid and Frankfurt Meeting at the Uefa Super Cup.

Tosinaija The Plug
1. This is the first time Real madrid and Eintracht Frankfurt will be meeting in the Uefa Super Cup.
Real Madrid who have successfully won uefa Champions league and Eintracht Frankfurt who have successfully won Europa League will be meeting at the Uefa super cup , to showcase their undisputed effort to see who is more super with the cup it team is holding. In the history of Uefa super cup this is the first time ever they will be meeting.

2. Real Madrid Won Uefa Champions league 14 times , but this is sixth time they will be playing in the Uefa Super Cup.
Despite been the Champions 14 times , real madrid only won five times and definately have attain defeat of 9 super cup to other team in the Uefa Super Cup History.

3.Real Madrid is the First Spanish Club and Third Club that have won the Uefa SuperCup consecutively Two Times after Ajax in 1972 and Ac milan in 1990 according to the History of Uefa Super Cup.

4. Eintracht Frankfurt is the second Germany club to play in the Uefa Super Cup and has never win super cup in its history.

5. Frankfurt defeated Rangers in the Uefa Europa League to win the Cup and automatically qualify to play the super Cup against Real Madrid after they defeated Liverpool too.

6. This is second time Eintracht Frankfurt will taking part in the Uefa Super Cup since 1979 -80 , was defeated since then and it just coming back to face real Madrid this year 2022.

Source : TosinaijaNG

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  1. It is a very good one and we will see who is going to be the champion

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