3 Precaution ways in order to Avoid whatsapp cybercrime victim.

Tosinaija The Plug
Whatsapp is the world biggest chatting - socal community as at now , and we have more than 1 billion peoples on it today, but so unfortunately some people has being a victim of cybercrime , have been scammed and experience fraud. No prays to be actually part of such unfortunate situations but when it happens , one has no choice too.

Whatsapp fraud & cybercrime is not a new thing anymore as plenty people fall victim online ona a daily basis through internet platforms. These articles is to guide us on three precaution ways we have to takenote in order to Avoid being scammed on whatsapp social community.

1. Avoid chatting with unknown people.
Avoid chatting with unknown people that enters your DM's without good approac, moreover also if they are trying to collect your personal information, kindly take a precaution measure by archiving them or put them in blocking status , if not for any safe business transaction or the individual is a known person , definitely you have no business.

2. Get Two-verification Code for your WhatsApp Account.
Get and Apply for two verification code on your whatsApp account , so that when you login & re-login anytime , you can get text messages or phone call from whatsapp in order to confirm if it is you , this is to avoid hacking and also it serve as a security to your account , the most vital point in this number one precaution measire is that please avoid sharing those codes with people (More people).

3.Avoid login through many devices.
The login in many devices is not a problem , but how careless some people leave it there without signing out is the main cause of they become a victim of whatsapp fraud & cybercrime , so one has to be very careful of this particular reason , in order to Avoid this don't login through many devices , and this also will make whatsapp become more suspicious & they keep giving you security measures , but unfortunately if the account is gone , it is difficult to do somethingelse.

Whatsapp fraud usually occurs in a way people people hacks other Individuals account to do their fraud activities and in order to Avoid  being scammed or hacked , kindly let us put this three precaution into practice.

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